TN5250J KeyMap Macintosh OS X 10.5
If you are having performance issues with TN5250J and OS X 10.2, upgrade to OS X 10.4 or OS X 10.5. This will allow a new version of Java, Java 5.0 (1.5) to be available, and fixed performance issues while fullscreening. Run tn5250j If it won't launch, its because a "^M" error occurs on Macintosh OS X 10.5 when running the tn5250j script. Open a terminal type: " vi /Applications/tn5250j/bin/tn5250j " (enter) type: " :set ff=unix " (enter) Notice the "colon" type: " :wq " (enter) Exit the terminal Fix "Enter" on keyboard: Open a terminal type: " vi ~/.tn5250j/keymap " (enter) find: " [enter]=17,false,true,false,false,1 " change to:" [enter]=10,false,false,false,false,1 " (using "i" to insert) Exit insert mode: (esc) type: " :wq " (enter) Exit the terminal There are many more keybindings you'll have to configure to suit your needs. Perhaps people will add them here as t...