"Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04) has 'out of the box', zero-configuration support in Rhythmbox for the iPod touch running firmware 3.12/3.13. It does not require jailbreaking, though I have personally discovered it will work with both a "stock" and a jailbroken iPod touch." - Raffisson Studio Changes (skip this) : Mar 28, 2010: Added link to French tutorial in step 1. Mar 16, 2010: Added Amarok 2.3 notes pe r Gary Feb 23, 2010: Removed "-dev" packages and made some small changes per farfouille64 feedback. Feb 19, 2010: Bifster found a similar tutorial. Worth trying if you have issues. Here's the link: easy way to sync your iphone Feb 19, 2010: Step 11 added DFB 's RythmBox plugin suggestion. Confirmation working with firmware 3.1.3! Thanks DFB! Feb 15, 2010: Step 11 added AJ's unicode work-around. Thanks AJ! Feb 11, 2010: Step 10 modified to automatically add user to group "fuse". Thanks for the ...