Amarok 1.4.7 Won't Load
Amarok: [Loader] Starting amarokapp.. Amarok: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp. You're seeing the standard Amarok start-up. But chances are you didn't stumble upon this because Amarok IS working... Luckily enough for me, I got it to load. Here's some hints: Kill amarok process: pkill -9 amarok In your home directory remove a file called ".DCOPserver_ $HOSTNAME __0" rm $HOME /.DCOPserver_ $HOSTNAME __0 In /var/tmp remove a file called kdecache- $USERNAME cd /var/tmp rm -r kdecache- $USERNAME Amarok should work! If needed, remove folder (or rename) $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok If needed, remove (purge) and reisntall amarok application with your package manager.