Printing to a raw printer using DOSBox

Working article is here:

Although DOSBox offers printing support, the documentation is sparse and most articles refer to printing on a Windows host.

Using Ubuntu 20.04 and a fork of DOSBox called DOSBox-X, printing can be configured as follows:

  1. Install DOSBox-X
  2. Configure DOSBox-X to write to a physical file
  3. Write a script which listens on the physical file

Install DOSBox-X

  1. Installing DOSBox-X on Linux is as simple as installing the snap:  This can be launched with Ubuntu Software center.

    Note: For Windows, MacOS or RPM users, DOXBox-X can be downloaded directly from the official site.

Configure DOSBox-X to write to a physical file

Although the recommendation for most tutorials is to configure DOSBox to print to a physical printer, I was unable to get this working on Ubuntu 20.04.  Instead, I had to manually configure DOSBox to print to a file.

  1. Start DOSBox-X for the first time from Terminal

  2. Save a default configuration file (the default location is your $HOME directory, this is fine)
    • Main, Configuration Gui
    • Parallel
    • For parallel1, type:
      file append:prnout.txt
    • Configuration, Save (This is important!)
    • OK

Write a script which listens on the physical file

Finally, write a bash script which listens on this prnout.txt file.

  1. Create a file called

    gedit &
  2. Paste the following


    # File to look for

    printf "Waiting for content at $TOPRINT\n"

    while [ true ]; do
      printf "."
      sleep 1 # one second
      if test -f "$TOPRINT"; then
        printf "\n[$(date)] Sending $(wc -c "$TOPRINT" | awk '{print $1}') bytes\n"
        lpr -o raw "$TOPRINT" && rm "$TOPRINT"
  3. Make it executable:

    chmod +x
  4. Start the listener


Last, print from the DOS application and it will send to your printer.  Note, this will send content in a text format.  This may be undesirable for certain printers.

For assistance setting up a default raw printer in Linux see here:


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