Jumi Plugin Replaces code with HTML
This is most clearly a bug with jumi-3.0.3-2glux and jumi-3.0.4-2glux. Thanks to jimjam from 2GLux for discovering and offering a fix for this. The bug occurs when you use jumi syntax inside a Joomla article. For example: < h1 > Test stuff </ h1 > {jumi [custom_code/hello_world.php]} < h2 > Test stuff </ h2 > Will be replaced with: < h1 > Test stuff </ h1 > < p > Hello World! < /p > < h2 > Test stuff </ h2 > (Assuming hello_world.php only has " < ?php echo "< p > Hello World! < /p >" ? > " in it) To fix this, you will need file access to jumi.php This is located in the plugins\system\jumi directory. In class " plgSystemJumi ", the first function is called " onAfterRenderer() ". Insert this code into the very beginning of the onAfterRenderer() function: /* Begin custom code */ $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', null); if($layout=...