
Showing posts from January, 2013

Jumi Plugin Replaces code with HTML

This is most clearly a bug with jumi-3.0.3-2glux and jumi-3.0.4-2glux. Thanks to jimjam from 2GLux for discovering and offering a fix for this. The bug occurs when you use jumi syntax inside a Joomla article. For example: < h1 > Test stuff </ h1 > {jumi [custom_code/hello_world.php]} < h2 > Test stuff </ h2 > Will be replaced with: < h1 > Test stuff </ h1 > < p > Hello World! < /p > < h2 > Test stuff </ h2 > (Assuming hello_world.php only has " < ?php echo "< p > Hello World! < /p >" ? > " in it) To fix this, you will need file access to jumi.php  This is located in the plugins\system\jumi directory. In class " plgSystemJumi ", the first function is called " onAfterRenderer() ". Insert this code into the very beginning of the  onAfterRenderer()  function: /* Begin custom code */ $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', null); if($layout=...

[Book Review] LMMS: A Complete Guide to Dance Music Production

Image courtesy Packt Publishing There's some things you'll learn by clicking through them, then there's LMMS. LMMS has a lot of features that have become expected in a music studio, but without a clear understanding of how to find them and what they actually do (i.e. Envelope) it's just a game of turning knobs, clicking buttons and *hoping* things sound good. The book starts with an introduction to the equipment LMMS (as well as other music software) mimics and ends with some very cool automation stuff such as dynamically changing tempo, volume and some advanced techniques used in music creation. Don't be fooled into thinking this is just a crash course on the LMMS software. The author takes time to explain microphones, keyboards, synthesizers, distortion pedals and much more which is important in an era where many musicians have never touched the physical equipment they are so eage...